Ella Cook
Ella is one of those people who is addicted to the written word. She’s been obsessed with books since before she could walk. She decided to become a writer as soon as she realised that stringing letters together in the right order could actually be a career.
She grew up in the outskirts of London, where fairies lived at the bottom of her Grandma’s garden, so it isn’t surprising that she still looks for magic in every day life – and often finds it. When she’s not living in a fantasy world of her own creation, she writes bids and develops programmes for children’s services, and lives in rural Warwickshire (where there are probably more fairies). She shares her house with two small parrots, one of whom likes to critique her writing from his favourite spot on her shoulder, and her husband who is ever loving and understanding and makes her gallons of tea in magical cups that can keep drinks warm for whole chapters. Ella writes for both Choc Lit & Ruby Fiction.
BOOKS BY Ella Cook
- Summer’s Christmas
- Sunny Summer Treats